A Clean Slate

A Hajj Tour like no other.

Hajj is the ultimate way to return sinless, like the day your mother gave birth to you. It’s the most phenomenal life-changing journey you can make, with the power to transform you in ways you cannot even begin to imagine. Yet how many people actually get the best out of their Hajj? How many people perform Hajj and then quickly fall back into sin?

The Prophet ﷺ said,

Whoever performs Hajj and does not commit any obscenity or evil will return (sinless) like the day his mother gave birth to him.” [Bukhari and Muslim]

The Prophet ﷺ said,

“…an accepted Hajj brings no reward but Paradise.” [Bukhari and Muslim]

We all know that an accepted Hajj leaves us sinless. Yet how many people perform Hajj and take nothing away from it?

So many people just don’t know how to get the best out of Hajj and don’t have a practical step-by-step programme that will help them make the change in their lives that they so desperately want.

At Radiant Drops, we designed our entire Hajj Tour Programme in a way that solves this very problem. Our Hajj Packages have been carefully crafted to give you the motivation, strength, willpower and practical bite-sized steps that you can take, so you can return home after Hajj with a Clean Slate (and keep it that way in sha’ Allah).

Greatest Sign of an Accepted Hajj

Scholars of Islam say that the greatest sign of an accepted Hajj is that the person returns home and remains steadfast and upright. Yet, so many people perform Hajj and have a short-term spiritual boost, then go back to their previous ways.

We understand that Hajj can potentially be very intimidating and that it’s important to have a guiding hand at each part of the Hajj. We will perform Hajj together, guiding you at every step of the journey, from the day you book to the day you leave the sacred lands.

Our programme ensures you have been given strong preparation before and during Hajj, to help get the best out of Hajj both physically and spiritually, and to make sure your Hajj does not become a meaningless set of empty rituals. Moreover, we constantly focus on the post-Hajj change also. Since the greatest sign of an accepted Hajj is the change a person makes upon returning home, we place a huge emphasis on this vital component.

At Radiant Drops, we aim to give you detailed preparation — both spiritually and ritually — well before you even step foot on the aeroplane.

One of the most important aspects of having your Hajj accepted by Allah is to complete it in the way the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ taught.

He ﷺ guided the sahabah at every step of the way, teaching them the rituals of Hajj in the way that Hajj must be performed.

The sahabah preserved this and passed it on to their student, and this was then documented by scholars for generations to come.

Unfortunately, many people are not sufficiently prepared with the knowledge of how the Prophet ﷺ performed Hajj and thus they contaminate Hajj rites with cultural traditions, some of which are in stark contrast to the way of the Prophet ﷺ and in some cases, are what the Prophet ﷺ himself prohibited!

Others — while well-intention — are often clueless, just copying each other, no one acting on certain knowledge.

Our aim is to ensure you get to perform Hajj in accordance with the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.

This Hajj Tour is for you if:

  • You want to come back from Hajj having built a Powerful Relationship with Allah
  • You want to follow an easy, step-by-step programme on how you can make a permanent change in your life
  • You want to return home with a deep love of Allah and His Messenger ﷺ
  • You want to perform Hajj the way the Prophet ﷺ taught
  • You want to return from Hajj as a different person with the foundation to make a long-term change for the better
  • You want to focus on the purpose of your visit while we take care of everything else
  • You want to start your life again with a clean slate

5-star Hajj Packages

“The transport and the hotels in both Makkah and Madinah wonderful! You really did make our first (of we hope many) trips extremely memorable!” — Ghizala, Shamim, Sanaa and Faraz.

Deluxe 17

17 DAYS (JUL 25 – AUG 21 2020)
  • 2 Days at Aziziyah before Hajj
  • Days of Hajj
  • Air-conditioned tents in Mina and Arafat
  • 1-2 Days at Aziziyah after Hajj
  • 4 Days at Partnered Makkah Hotel
  • 3 Days at Partnered Madina Hotel

Deluxe 21

21 DAYS (JUL 25 – AUG 26 2020)
  • 2 Days at Aziziyah before Hajj
  • Days of Hajj
  • Air-conditioned tents in Mina and Arafat
  • 1-2 Days at Aziziyah after Hajj
  • 6 Days at Partnered Makkah Hotel
  • 4 Days at Partnered Madina Hotel

Deluxe 27

27 DAYS (JUL 25 – SEP 1 2020)
  • 2 Days at Aziziyah before Hajj
  • Days of Hajj
  • Air-conditioned tents in Mina and Arafat
  • 1-2 Days at Aziziyah after Hajj
  • 8 Days at Partnered Makkah Hotel
  • 8 Days at Partnered Madina Hotel
Makkah Hotel

Swissotel Hotel

Overlooking the holy city, Swissotel Al-Maqam Makkah stands tall at the heart of the Muslim world. As part of prominent Abraj Al Bait complex, the hotel faces the holy Kaaba and has direct access to Masjid Al Haram.

Madinah Hotel

Elaf Grand Al-Majeedi Hotel

Located on the square of the Prophet’s Mosque. It has a charming panoramic view of the Prophet’s Mosque near Bab Al-Majidi and the Women’s Gate and is surrounded by shopping centres and shops in the central area.

Not Just Hajj Tour

A Clean Slate is not just another Hajj Package. Many tours focus only on the logistics (hotels, transport, etc.) of Hajj. This is the bare minimum that should be expected from a Hajj operator.

We crafted this tour around a solid programme, throughout with one focus in mind: to return as different people. We see so many people go to perform Hajj but then return and go back to their previous routines and ways, without making significant changes in their lives.

You make a positive and long term change in your life after Hajj. And that is what we focus on throughout the tour.

We have spent years perfecting our programme which has one aim: performing a Hajj that is accepted by Allah and building a Powerful and long-lasting relationship with Allah.

Being able to pray on time with concentration and meaning; longing for the next prayer, instead of it being a chore. How would it feel if you could yearn to read the Qur’an, with the Words of Allah having a powerful impact on your life?

Wouldn’t it be amazing to slot into your life some easy daily habits that build your home in Jannah?

Throughout this tour, you will learn practical and easy-to-follow steps to make these things a reality; all while performing a Hajj that is life-changing. A few footsteps away from Al-Masjid Al-Haram in Makkah, it is the perfect place for you to spend your time in the Sacred City.

What’s Included?

1. The Hajj Tour

Our Hajj Tour is a complete end-to-end service, covering every aspect of your Hajj. All logistics and details are taken care of so you can focus on getting the most out of your Hajj, including:

  • Return international flights
  • ATOL Protection Security for your Package
  • Acquisition of Hajj VISA
  • Saudi Arabian Hajj Draft
  • Pre-Hajj Seminar
  • 5-star hotel in Makkah
  • Half-board meals in Makkah
  • 5-star hotel in Madinah
  • Half-board meals in Madinah
  • Transportation via air-conditioned coaches
  • Aziziyah Hotel (before, during, and after) the days of Hajj
  • Half-board meals in Aziziyah Hotel
  • Multilingual tour guides with years of experience
  • Air-conditioned Tents in Mina and Arafat during the days of Hajj
  • Full-board meals during the days of Hajj
  • Visit to historic sites in Makkah and Madinah
  • Religious Guide: Sheikh Abu Abdissalam
What’s Included?

2. A Clean Slate

A Clean Slate is our special programme that truly makes your Hajj an experience like no other. Make your hajj life-changing. A Clean Slate aims to help you:

  • Perform a spiritual Hajj in accordance with the teachings of the Prophet ﷺ.
  • Return home as a different person. Giving you the know-how, inspiration and motivation to build a strong and long-lasting relationship with Allah — no matter what your current level is.
  • Be Steadfast. Giving you practical and simple tips with a step-by-step plan on how you can be consistent in your religiosity, while enjoying every minute of it and without having a boring and “funless” life!
  • Iman boosting and heart-softening lectures throughout the tour.
  • Show you what to do when you sin and how you can quickly get back up without dropping down that horrid spiral of low iman.
  • Guided visits and detailed lectures at each place
  • Guided visits to museums and various other historical landmarks
  • Religious Guide: Sheikh Abu Abdissalam
What’s Included?

3. Other Bonuses

Join our “A Clean Slate” Hajj Tour and get another 6 Bonuses worth £1,047 for FREE! You will get an exclusive Radiant Drops Membership Area and a private Facebook group. In the Facebook group, you get to ask questions related to Hajj as well as general questions about Islam. Inside Members Area, you will get access to the following bonuses:

Bonus 1 Value of £297

The Ultimate Hajj

  • Comes with a live seminar in London on How to Get the Best out of Hajj.
  • Learn step-by-step How to Perform Hajj with our online video course.
  • Save this simple and easy-to-follow PDF guide on your phone to make sure you have instant access to How to Perform Hajj (especially good if it’s your first time and a great revision aid for those who have performed Hajj before).
  • Know the Top 10 Things to Do WHILE on Hajj with our PDF book.
  • Pre-Umrah PEP talk with Sheikh Abu Abdissalam in Makkah.
  • So many people have no idea how to get the best out of their Hajj Trip!
Bonus 2 Value of £147

Health Precautions for Hajj

  • Online Course: Find out what the Main Health Precautions are for those who travel to Makkah and Madinah.
  • The Top Things to Do BEFORE Your Trip: What are the things that you should do before you leave your home country.
  • Key Health Considerations: How do you avoid dehydration? What should you do on the aeroplane? What are the main steps to take to avoid all the common health problems that so many pilgrims face?
Bonus 3 Value of £209

Essential Arabic Words

  • Quickly get up and running with the Bare Basics of Arabic in 15 days so you can get by in an Arab country.
  • Fast-track Arabic Course: Focus on speedily learning the most common words needed to survive in an Arab country.
  • Use the 80/20 rule to memorise a few words but get maximum results.
  • In 15 days, you will get instant access to 15 lessons teaching you the Bare Basics of Arabic from accommodation to travelling to emergencies to shopping and much more!
  • You will get instant online access to the videos, audios (for listening on your phone, in the car or bus), and a PDF book with all the words in it to help you memorise the words FAST!
  • Top Words Only: We don’t give you too many words so you give up! We only focus on the top words you’ll need when you go to any Arab country.
  • An Arabic Survival Kit: Can you imagine what your life will be like when you have the ability to survive in any Arab country with the basics of Arabic so you’re not lost, without a clue about what to say?
Bonus 4 Value of £97

Perform Salat Al-Janazah

  • There is a Funeral (Janazah) after almost every obligatory prayer in Makkah and in Madinah.
  • Comes with online training videos to show you How to Perform the Janazah Prayer.
  • How to: How many Takbirs? What are the Duas that need to be recited and in which order? What if the deceased is a child?
  • Late? What should I do if I’m late and miss a Takbir or two?
  • Comes with a PDF book which you can view on your phone to revise the Dua.
  • Top Words Only: We don’t give you too many words so you give up! We only focus on the top words you’ll need when you go to any Arab country.
  • Comes with the audio which will help you to memorise the Duas for Janazah Prayer.
Bonus 5 Value of £97

Secrets of Dua

  • Comes with online training videos to Get the Best of Performing Dua and what better time to learn this than before you go for Hajj?
  • Make your Hajj special with real meaningful Duas straight from the heart!
  • You will learn the Etiquettes of Dua.
  • You will learn about the Top 7 Things that Makes Your Dua More Likely to be accepted.
  • You will learn the 5 Best Times When Dua is accepted.
  • You will learn Powerful Duas straight from the Quran and Sunnah with our PDF book.
  • The Top Tips on what you should make Dua for: Many people run out of things to make Dua for after a few minutes of supplicating. In this course, you’ll discover a technique that will help you be able to make Dua for a long time without getting bored.
Bonus 6 Value of £197

Post-Hajj and Umrah Blueprint

  • Post-Hajj Live Online Training Coaching Call: Keep the Hajj momentum going with our live coaching call a few weeks after the Hajj trip.
  • The Top 10 Things to Do AFTER Your Hajj Trip: How can you maximise the spiritual gains you made during Hajj?
  • Back to the Grind: How to ensure you stay with the iman-high, even when you’re back in your daily routines.
  • Post-Sin (Practical Steps): How to pick yourself back up when you sin (we all sin and even though we make a firm resolution not to return to sin, as humans it is inevitable that we do fall into sin). So, what should we do when we fall into sin?

Reserve Your Place

Reserve your place now and get the bonuses worth £1,047 for FREE!

Package one

Deluxe 17

17 Days (Jul 25 – Aug 21 2020)

Package Two

Deluxe 21

21 Days (Jul 25 – Aug 26 2020)

Package Three

Deluxe 27

27 Days (Jul 25 – Sep 01 2020)


in a quad room


in a triple room


in a double room

Security and Peace of Mind

At Radiant Drops, we hold an ATOL (Air Travel Organisers License) so your financial security is assured, In sha’ Allah. Moreover, with years of experience in organising Hajj and Umrah for our guests we can pass over this experience to you to make your trip that little bit more enjoyable.

For example, we can tell you the least crowded times to perform tawaf or the best times to visit Baqee. Even simple things like where you can get lunch can save you an hour walking around in the heat in Makkah and Madinah!

Get in touch with us!

Contact us for a detailed explanation of our tour or send us a message and we’ll call you.